Race: Aalindari
Affiliation: FPU
Title/Rank: Rave Girl
Homeworld: Raden'lach
Voiceclaim: Reaper Nurse

Nessa Lavigne would be the heiress of her family’s opulence up until she was disowned through her wild escapades. Renowned as an extreme party-goer, Nessa thrives in the lively atmosphere of social gatherings. She has the tendency to be consumed in the adrenaline and vibrant energy of the moment. Despite her wild reputation, she typically has a sweet demeanor — always extending friendliness to strangers she encounters.

Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Hot pink
Base Height: 5’2
Base Weight: 100 lbs
Base HP: 5

Nessa bore hot pink tendrils for hair and various lip piercings. Her tongue would also be pierced and she is regularly seen with flashy clothes and decorates her body with accessories. Strange markings can be seen littered on her body.

TRAITSRacial Trait: Enhanced VisionYou are able to see around you in total darkness. You can test with advantage to make out writing and objects in the distance.Trait #2: Nimble FingersI could have sworn I left it right here! You gain Advantage when Testing to pick locks, steal, or do sleight-of-hand.Trait #3: Perceptive
What has been seen cannot be unseen. You gain Advantage when Testing to gain information about your surroundings or find things that may be hidden. You gain this even while asleep.


Dante FischerPartnerFPU"He's just the sweetest. I will never not be obsessed with him!"
MissyClose FriendFPU"Met her at a rave and it's been history ever since."
DoloresClose FriendFPU"I think we're from the same petri dish!?"
Stevie JettAcquaintedFPU"I'm your biggest fan...Holy shit!"
Faerin VinyreFriendFPU"Coolest bartender I know! Makes me the best fucking drinks!!!"
Layla JettAcquaintedBSC"Something about her makes me wanna pester her."
Tae-HyunFriendlyFPU"I just love this pink guy!"
VultureFriendFPU"Another rave girl!? Fuck yeah!"
LarkFriendlyFPU"Kinda a party pooper, but he's a cutie."


By reighvz

MP3 Player
An MP3 player gifted by Dante. It was specifically curated with a collection old emo songs. It is how Nessa grew to have her current music taste.

Digital Camera
A stylish and compact device for spontaneous moments. It is a vibrant pink littered with old stickers, reflecting Nessa's sense of style.

Blackout Blaster
Given by her family as a form of protection. Its sleek, streamlined body is coated in a pink, which was requested by Nessa. It features a neon glow when activated. It ensures a comfortable grip for her, and has a low recoil for her petite frame. A small accessory is attached to it, seeming to be a pink octopus with a large smile.